Free modules (“EC libres”)

There are two types of free modules:

1- External free module (EC libre externe)

It allows students to take an introductory course in another discipline at licence (bachelor’s) or master’s level (mandatory in most courses). At licence level, this is chosen in addition to internal or external secondary subjects.

A free module can also be chosen from the French and methodology courses offered by the Communication - French as a Foreign Language (Com-FLE) department, the sports courses offered by the University Physical and Sports Activities Service (SUAPS) or from a catalogue of courses aimed at acquiring and developing cross-cutting skills, i.e. non-disciplinary skills (self-confidence, oral presentation skills, stress management, time management, project management, etc.) using alternative teaching methods. This involves the teaching of soft skills (e.g. recognition and enhancement of student commitment, support for people with disabilities, beekeeping tutorials, etc.).

Our full catalogue of external free modules can be found on the Moodle platform.
The courses are presented by the faculties (UFRs and Institutes) when they are discipline-based courses, and by the departments for other types of courses (Com-FLE, SUAPS, Soft skills, etc.).

Students can enrol in these classes via the course secretary responsible for the free module (and not their own department’s course secretary) or directly on the Moodle platform (this pre-enrols you with the secretariat responsible for the free module and enrolment is then completed on the Apogée course management app). The enrolment procedure and calendar differ depending on the course and information is included in the presentation of each free module on Moodle.

Important! Although the external free module is shown as part of the second semester of your licence or master’s programme, you can take one during the first semester. In this case, the grade awarded will count towards your second semester grades.
Taking the class in your first semester gives you more flexibility and helps you get ahead in your studies.
As it is not always easy to secure a place on an external free module in the second semester (due to large numbers of students enrolling at licence and master’s level), it is advisable to take one in the first semester when there are fewer applications and more places. If you were not able to find a class in the first semester, you can look for one in the second semester, as external free modules can be taken at any point during the year.
This solution allows the university to manage enrolments across both semesters in accordance with the courses on offer (there are not always enough places on offer during the second semester for all students to be guaranteed a place).
Remember, if you take an external free module in the first semester, you cannot take another in the second semester.

2- Internal Free module (EC libre interne)

In some course programmes, a free module can be chosen from the optional or voluntary modules offered by the department in which you are enrolled.
In this case, it is known as an internal free module.
To find out if you need to sign up for an external and/or internal free module, please consult the table below or contact the course secretary for more information.