Faculty of Digital Sciences and Technologies (UFR des Sciences et des Technologies du Numérique - STN)

A pioneer in the field of computer science teaching and research at Paris 8 University, the Faculty now offers comprehensive courses at the cutting edge of new technologies (Cryptology, Cyber Security, Digital Humanities, Hypermedia, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Robotics, Data Science, Embedded Systems).

The Faculty of Digital Sciences and Technologies (classes held in Building A) comprises the following departments:

Courses on offer

  • Licence Mathématiques (Bachelor’s in Mathematics)
  • Licence Informatique (Bachelor’s in Computer Science)
  • Licence Informatique, parcours Micro-Informatique et Machines Embarquées (Bachelor’s in Computer Science, specialising in Micro-Computing and Embedded Systems) (3 Years)
  • Master Humanités numériques (Master’s in Digital Humanities)
    • Master Analyse et valorisation des usages numériques (AVUN) (Master’s in the Analysis and Development of Digital Uses)
    • Master Création et Edition Numériques (CEN) (Master’s in Digital Creation and Editing)
    • Master Gestion Stratégique de l’Information (GSI) (Master’s in Strategic Data Management)
    • Master Numérique: Enjeux et Technologies (NET) (Master’s in Digital Sciences: Challenges and Technologies)
  • Master Informatique (Master’s in Computer Science)
    • Master Big Data et fouille de données (BD) (Master’s in Big Data and Data Mining)
    • Master Conduite de Projets Informatiques (CPI) (Master’s in Digital Project Management)
    • Master Ingéniérie en Intelligence Artificielle (IIA) (Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Engineering)
    • Master Technologies de l’Hypermédia (THYP) (Master’s in Hypermedia Technologies)
  • Master Mathématiques et Applications (Master’s in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)
    • Master Arithmétique, Codage et Cryptologie (ACC) (Master’s in Arithmetic, Coding and Cryptology)
    • Master Cyber Sécurité et Sciences des Données (CSSD) (Master’s in Cyber Security and Data Science)
  • Master Patrimoine et Musées (Master’s in Heritage and Museums)
    • Master Médiation culturelle, patrimoine et numérique (MCPN) (Master’s in Cultural Mediation, Heritage and the Digital World)

Université Paris 8
Building A
2 rue de la Liberté