UR La section clinique (Research Unit: Clinical Section)
The members of the Clinical Section Research Unit work on fundamental research in psychoanalysis. Conscious that the clinical side of this subject evolves in line with signifiers of our civilisations, and that psychoanalytical discourse must constantly reinvent itself to allow therapists to engage with it, we strive to keep the study of psychoanalysis a ‘living’ subject. The development of psychoanalysis and its actions are deeply political. The fact that we have seen a resurgence in the anti-psychoanalysis movement in the past few years only illustrates the importance of the discipline in civilisation. Our researchers explore contemporary clinical and civilisational issues, and we engage our doctoral students in an ongoing search for the conditions of social relationships.
Research areas:
Theme 1: Core concepts
The work of the team is essentially based on a deeper examination of Lacan’s latest teaching, working closely with the Congresses of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and the New Lacanian School, focusing on the following themes: Symbolic Order and the Real in the 21st century (the renewal of Lacanian categories and their role in understanding contemporary epistemology), the unconscious Real, the speaking body, ordinary psychosis, and the sinthome (a concept which was the subject of a one-day workshop entitled “Folle hérésie dans l’invention de savoir” (Crazy heresy in the invention of knowledge) held on the 28 April 2014 in partnership with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Florianopolis (Brazil).
The team also structures its work around issues related to sexuation and gender with a particular focus on contemporary issues (transsexualism, transgender, same-sex marriage, surrogacy). A cross-doctoral seminar was hosted in partnership with the LEGS Mixed Research Unit (Gender Studies) entitled “Penser le sexuel, entre psychanalyse et études de genre” (Unpacking the sexual: between psychoanalysis and gender studies”).
Theme 2: Clinical studies: pure and applied psychoanalysis
The team works with wide variety of institutions, including CPCTs (Psychoanalytical Consultation and Treatment Centres) and hospitals through patient cases (held at the Unité clinique des Mortes, the Unité clinique de Clamart, and the Unité clinique de Villejuif).
This part of the course aims to record the specific clinical work of the team members, and can take one of two forms:
- Working in partnership with associations and institutions (UFORCA: Union for Training in Clinical Analysis, Children’s Institute, CPCTs, psychiatric hospitals, etc.).
- Conducting research into clinical practice today and its contemporary expressions with a particular focus on the French Ecole de la Cause Freudienne, a French psychoanalytic professional body.
The following major themes have also been explored in their contemporary forms: autism, trauma, motherhood, couples, the object-gaze and its pervasiveness in contemporary society, clinical practice in medical centres, clinical psychology of the body and bodily events.
A huge amount of the team’s work is focused on the unique nature of psychoanalysis training working in partnership with the schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. In particular, team members have addressed the following themes: starting therapy, rapid therapeutic effects, the results of the psychoanalysis experience, ways of ending psychoanalysis, transfer and the desire of the analyst.
Theme 3: Policy and contemporary symptoms
The team is also committed to ensuring that its research work strengthens its impact on policy-making. Its work has been particularly centred on health policies related to autism, as well as reflections on burn-out, new forms of management, generalised assessment and forms of extremism. It also explored the theme of same-sex marriage. The 2017 “Journée du Départment” (Department Open Day) entitled “Identity and trauma” selected these themes as focal points to help understand contemporary political realities.
Contemporary symptoms were discussed during the 2012 “Journée du Département” dedicated to the following theme: “Symptoms of modernity: stress, anxiety, depression.” These themes have also been addressed in other research on mental health policies (addiction, monosymptomatic cases, etc.).
UFR Sciences de l’Education, Psychanalyse et Com/Français Langue Etrangère (SEPF)
ED 31 : Pratiques et Théories du Sens
2 rue de la Liberté
93526 SAINT-DENIS, France