UR Laboratoire Interuniversitaire Expérience, Ressources culturelles, Éducation - EXPERICE (Research Unit: Inter-University Laboratory for Experimentation, Cultural Resources and Education)

Made up of two teams (Experice Sorbonne Paris Nord and Experice Paris 8 University & Pau University), EXPERICE brings a fresh perspective to the field of learning sciences. The research carried out by this laboratory focuses on extra-curricular learning and education, highlighting more informal educational spaces encountered by children and adults, as well as various form of informal education in schools. Its aim is to explore the diversity of learning spaces that exist outside of those officially and exclusively created for this purpose. These may be institutional or non-institutional, intentional or unintentional, conscious or unconscious.

It places the focus on the educational dimensions of all types of social practice.

The Experice Paris 8 & Pau team is pursuing its research under the banner of Lifelong Learning (Éducation Tout au Long de la Vie or ETLV in French) by focusing on the diversity of educational experiences, their cross-cutting implications and the opportunities for self-learning and collective experimentation. The team also seeks out innovative qualitative methodologies that help research participants express themselves, that promote critical reflection on research that addresses its social, cultural and political implications, and that champions research projects in fields that remain poorly explored by the human and social sciences. The research projects led by this team are based on the diversity of critical theory and focus, through an emancipatory lens, on the catalysing, emerging and creative aspects of different practices.

The research projects of the Experice Paris 8 & Pau team address several themes.

Three of these are shared with the Experice Sorbonne Paris Nord team:

  • Physical practices, body and health (learning by using the body, the body as a place of care and learning, the fabrication of the “normal” body, etc.) 
  • Inherent readings and writings (reading and writing in context, the sensitive and creative aspects to reading and writing, modes of subject subjectivation and emancipation through reading and writing, sensitive writing, work-related writing, narration, etc.) 
  • Areas in experimentation (grass-roots experiments and collective empowerment, small acts of resistance, the construction of the territory from the bottom up and across the board, marginal, inner-city or minority urban environments, etc.)

Three themes are specific to the Experice Paris 8 & Pau team:

  • Experimental education (life paths and learning processes, underachievement paradigm/teachable moments, contemporary therapeutic pluralism, narrative approaches to self-education, popular political education, etc.) 
  • Institutions, services, interventions (institutional analysis, action research, writing journals/subjectification and emancipation through writing, etc.) 
  • Learning through transculturalism (legitimate and illegitimate movement/migration/displacement, subalternative knowledge and alternative teaching practices, writing about migration/writing during migration, conflict in an asymmetrical or decolonial context, etc.).


Université Paris 8 - Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

ED 401 : Sciences Sociales
UFR Sciences de l’Education, Psychanalyse et Com/Français Langue Etrangère (SEPF)

Website: https://experice.univ-paris13.fr/