Faculty of Learning Sciences, Psychoanalysis and French as a Foreign Language (UFR sciences de l’éducation, psychanalyse et français langue étrangère - SEPF)

The Faculty of Learning Sciences, Psychoanalysis and French as a Foreign Language or UFR SEPF brings together three departments: Learning Sciences, Psychoanalysis, and Communication - French as a Foreign Language. Each department has its own institutional identity. The first two offer direct degrees in their own right and are supported by three established research teams. The third is a university-wide department designed to welcome international students learning French.

The Faculty offers an original higher education pathway, and works very closely with other departments and universities.

The Faculty works very closely with other faculties, doctoral schools, and institutes:

The Faculty strives to be an innovative hub for various technological experiments accessible by students in line with the University’s policy. It offers courses and degrees with strong identities, some of which are the only one of their kind in France.

Courses on offer

  • Licence Sciences de l’éducation (Bachelor’s in Learning Sciences)
  • Master Sciences de l’éducation (Master’s in Learning Sciences)
    • Master Mediascol: Enseignement, éducation prioritaire, médiation culturelle (Master’s in School Media: Teaching, Priority Education, Cultural Mediation)
    • Master Education tout au long de la vie (Master’s in Lifelong Learning)
    • Master ENJEURFOR: Enfance, jeunesse, formation (Master’s in Childhood, Youth and Education)
  • Master Psychanalyse (Master’s in Psychoanalysis)

Université Paris 8
2 rue de la Liberté

Website: https://ufr-sepf.univ-paris8.fr