Séminaire - Rethinking The Strike : times and territories of the revolt
Chaire internationale de philosophie contemporaine de l’Université Paris 8 : Verónica GAGO (UBA/UNSAM/CONICET)

Mis à jour le 27 janvier 2025
La Chaire internationale de philosophie contemporaine de l’Université Paris 8 accueille cette année Verónica Gago, professeure à l’Université de Buenos Aires et à l’Université Nationale de San Martin.
In this seminar, we will analyze the dispute over what is perceived as a crisis at the level of social reproduction in order to develop the notion of “fascistization of social reproduction” (Silvia Federici), as a key point to understand the forms of anti-feminism as programmatic elements of the new ultra-right. The pandemic is a crucial moment to understand it, in relation to the intensification of tensions around freedom and care.
It is also important to discuss the category of “essential work” because it connotes a strong paradox : it names a re-naturalization of these tasks and their association with certain bodies and spaces. Social reproduction has long been discussed as a way of defining interdependence in a materialistic way. These arguments are key to a feminist epistemology that looks at production from below and understands its financialization as a field of class struggle. Along these lines, it is also necessary to discuss the “mutant” character of neoliberalism (Callison and Manfredi) in such a way that it does not become a totalizing reading : for that it is crucial to understand it as a response to particular cycles of struggle (hence the variable scale of its violence and modes of recomposition). Here a major problem arises that can be considered an open question, one that has been raised especially by transfeminist movements : what are the political tools of protest and negotiation of a labor force that lies in the intersection between financial (and platform) capitalism and non-guaranteed social reproduction ?
Organisation : Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie
In this seminar, we will analyze the dispute over what is perceived as a crisis at the level of social reproduction in order to develop the notion of “fascistization of social reproduction” (Silvia Federici), as a key point to understand the forms of anti-feminism as programmatic elements of the new ultra-right. The pandemic is a crucial moment to understand it, in relation to the intensification of tensions around freedom and care.
It is also important to discuss the category of “essential work” because it connotes a strong paradox : it names a re-naturalization of these tasks and their association with certain bodies and spaces. Social reproduction has long been discussed as a way of defining interdependence in a materialistic way. These arguments are key to a feminist epistemology that looks at production from below and understands its financialization as a field of class struggle. Along these lines, it is also necessary to discuss the “mutant” character of neoliberalism (Callison and Manfredi) in such a way that it does not become a totalizing reading : for that it is crucial to understand it as a response to particular cycles of struggle (hence the variable scale of its violence and modes of recomposition). Here a major problem arises that can be considered an open question, one that has been raised especially by transfeminist movements : what are the political tools of protest and negotiation of a labor force that lies in the intersection between financial (and platform) capitalism and non-guaranteed social reproduction ?
Organisation : Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie
5 mars 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
12 mars 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
19 mars 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
26 mars 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
2 avril 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
9 avril 2025
: 15h00
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Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
16 avril 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
30 avril 2025
: 15h00
- 17h00
Maison de la recherche - Salle A2-202
Ouvert aux étudiant·es de licence, master et doctorat, et aux auditeur·trices libres.
Inscriptions dans le cadre des cursus auprès de Driss Bellahcene : Bâtiment A, Bureau A029 | driss.bellahcene@univ-paris8.fr
Contact : ariane.revel@gmail.com