Call for visiting professorship applications
Every year, the International Relations and Cooperation Office has a budget to host visiting professors for one month. The aim is to allow our laboratories and departments to invite a lecturer of their choice to teach at Paris 8 University. The aim is to forge a connection between Paris 8 University and the professor’s home university by including the visiting professor in the Paris 8 University curriculum and by organising informative talks for all students on the courses available, and student life at their university.
Your application must include the following documents:
- CV with a list of publications (including, if possible, details of seniority in your last position e.g. professor, senior lecturer, other); the CV must be in French.
- Letter of recommendation from your head of department or course head (undergraduate/master’s).
- Letter of recommendation from the director of the research team that the visiting professor will join while at Paris 8 University.
- Detailed programme of activities (classes, seminars, conferences, talks, etc.).
- Proof of affiliation to the home institution (including title if possible).
NB: the visiting professor must remain under the legal age requirement of 65 for the duration of their visiting professorship.
The application must be submitted to the International Relations Office via email to by 13 October 2021 at the latest.
Applications will be approved or rejected according to the following criteria:
- Application provided with all supporting documents
- Scientific contribution
- Existence of university partnership
- Benefit to the university in terms of international relations
- Programme of work at Paris 8 University
- Allocation of visiting professors in each department from year to year