An inclusive university
Paris 8 University has worked hard to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities and to create an inclusive welcoming university that everyone can enjoy. Students are encouraged to tailor courses to their needs, explore new ways of learning, resume their studies, and improve existing knowledge and skills. The various services we offer reflect a wide range of diverse situations and expectations, e.g. whether you have a French high school diploma (baccalaureate), have obtained a diploma overseas, want to make the most of your skills, wish to study a particular field in greater depth, need to ask questions about your course, or are experiencing any other problem.
- Local and regional languages
- Sign language
- Distance learning
- Continuing education
- Work/study programme
- Diplômes d’université/University Diplomas (DPCU, DU, DFSSU, DUFA, DESU, etc.)
- Institute of Legal Studies Department (DIEJ)
- Validation of prior learning
- Re-enrolment after taking a break from your studies at Paris 8 University
- Continuing education diplomas
- Unregistered students