Bachelor’s degrees (Licences)
- Licence Administration Economique et Sociale - AES (Bachelor’s in Economic and Social Administration)
- Licence Arts plastiques (Bachelor’s in Visual Arts)
- Licence Arts plastiques - ATI (L3) (Bachelor’s in Visual Arts - Image Arts and Technologies - Year 3)
- Licence Arts plastiques - Photographie (L3) (Bachelor’s in Visual Arts - Photography - Year 3)
- Licence Cinéma (Bachelor’s in Film)
- Licence Droit(Bachelor’s in Law)
- Licence Economie et gestion (Bachelor’s in Economics and Management)
- Licence Études théâtrales (Bachelor’s in Theatre Studies)
- Licence Géographie et aménagement (Bachelor’s in Geography and Planning)
- Licence Histoire (Bachelor’s in History)
- Double-licence Histoire-LLCER Mondes anglophones(LLCER Double Bachelor’s in English-Speaking Cultures & History)
- Double licence Histoire - science politique (Double Bachelor’s in History & Political Science)
- Licence Information-communication (Bachelor’s in Information and Communication)
- Licence Informatique (Bachelor’s in Computer Science)
- Licence Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA) (Bachelor’s in Applied Foreign Languages)
- Licence LLCER Études européennes et internationales (LLCER Bachelor’s in European and International Studies)
- Licence LLCER Mondes anglophones (LLCER Bachelor’s in English-Speaking Cultures)
- Licence LLCER Mondes arabes(LLCER Bachelor’s in Arab Cultures)
- Licence LLCER Mondes hispaniques (LLCER Bachelor’s in Hispanic Cultures)
- Licence Lettres (Bachelor’s in Literature)
- Licence Mathématiques (Bachelor’s in Mathematics)
- Licence Musicologie (Bachelor’s in Musicology)
- Licence Philosophie (Bachelor’s in Philosophy)
- Licence Psychologie(Bachelor’s in Psychology)
- Licence Sciences de l’éducation(Bachelor’s in Learning Sciences)
- Licence Sciences du langage (Bachelor’s in Language Science)
- Licence Science politique (Bachelor’s in Political Science)
- Licence Sociologie (Bachelor’s in Sociology)